Welcome to the Kurup Lab!

Research in the Kurup lab is focused on understanding the mechanism of natural and acquired immunity to malaria. We investigate the cellular and molecular pathways that help detect and control Plasmodium parasites in both the pre-erythrocytic (liver) and erythrocytic (blood) stages of the infection.

Lab News
April, 2024- Congratulations again, Chess!!
PhD candidate Chess was awarded (1) a summer research fellowship from the UGA graduate school, (2) a competitive travel fellowship from UGA, and 3) a highly sought after travel award from National Institute of Health (NIH) to attend WHIP in MA this year.
December 27, 2023- Publication in the Journal of Immunology
Inherently Reduced Expression of ASC Restricts Caspase-1 Processing in Hepatocytes and Promotes Plasmodium Infection, J. Immunol, 2023.
August, 2023- Clyde awarded NIH T32 fellowship
Clyde Schmidt-Silva was awarded the NIH T32 fellowship to study the mechanism of antigen-presenting cell recruitment to the liver during Plasmodium infection.
April, 2023- Camila wins 2nd place Oral Presentation at WHIP
Type-1 Interferons Drive Cell-Autonomous Defenses in Plasmodium-infected Hepatocytes. Woods Hole Immunoparasitology Meeting 2023, Woods Hole, MA.
April 5, 2023- Publication in JOVE
Generating Genetically Modified Plasmodium berghei Sporozoites, J. of Visualized Experiments (JOVE) 2023.
January 3, 2023- Publication in PNAS
AIM2 sensors mediate immunity to Plasmodium infection in hepatocytes, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2023.
December 7, 2022- Publication in Pathogens
Cryopreservation of Plasmodium Sporozoites. Pathogens 2022.
September 20, 2022- Lab featured on UGA Research
July 19, 2022- Publication in Cell Reports!
Direct type I Interferon signaling in hepatocytes control malaria. Cell Reports 2022.
July, 2022- R01 grant funding from the NIH/ NIAID
The lab was awarded its first R01 NIH grant from The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to study cell intrinsic responses to Plasmodium infection in the liver.
January, 2022- Welcome, Clyde!
Graduate student Clyde Schmidt-Silva joined our lab this year after graduating with a B.S from UGA in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
September 4, 2020- New Publication
p53 Hinders CRISPR/ Cas9-Mediatated Targeted Gene Disruption in Memory CD8 T Cells In Vivo. J Immunol. 2020.
July 22, 2020- Congratulations, Chess!!
Graduate student Chess was awarded CTEGD Research Assistantship by the Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases at UGA.
July 20, 2020- Malaria vaccines review published
Pre-erythrocytic Stage Vaccines Against Malaria. Vaccines. 2020. 8(3), 400